Weekend is here!

Good morning, everyone, and “Happy Aloha Friday!” to you all!  April is flying by so quickly … half of 2011 is almost over and it seems like we just got finished celebrating the New Year!  Doesn’t it seem like the world is in fast forward .. like things are coming at us so fast that …

Busy weekend!

‘Morning, my peeps!  It’s another Aloha Friday here in Hawai’i nei and the start of another busy weekend for me and ManoaDNA!  Our long weekend of performances actually started last night at the Pakele Live! benefit for Japan and continues through the weekend, ending with the big Kokua Japan concert on Sunday at the Hilton …

Damn dogs!

Puppies scared the crap out of me this morning … one of our neighbors’ dogs started barking at 6am this morning, so our dogs decided to join right in at full volume.  We were all sound asleep when suddenly “BARK! BARK! BARK!!!”   Man, it’s a good thing I still have control of my bowels …

It’s snowing!!!

Nah, it’s not … but it is April Fool’s Day here in Hawai’i!  It’s the first day of April and a day to be on your guard in case any of your friends decide to pull a practical joke on you.  It’ll be interesting to see if anything happens at Lulu’s tonight … I had …

Rainy Manoa!

Yup, it’s rainy & windy up here in the “valley” … I thought I could sleep a little later since it’s Sunday but our dog, Buster, got me up at 5:30am crying because he wanted to go out and eat grass.  I guess that’s what dogs do when they have an upset stomach .. eat …

Aloha Friday!!

Aloha kakahiaka, my friends!  It’s Aloha Friday here and the end to an exhausting and emotional week for me & my family.  Although the news coming out of Japan is still not good, massive rescue efforts are well under way and aid is starting to pour into Japan from many foreign countries.  Meanwhile, we in …

Happy “Aloha Saturday”!

Aloha kakahiaka, my friends!  I spent most of yesterday sending emails and chatting on Facebook with many of our friends and fans in Japan, trying to find out if everyone was ok.  I was very relieved to hear that many of them were safe, but a few of them told me that they were still …