Solo at Lulus Tonight

Woah! What?!?! Alx has blogged two days in a row?!?! AMAZING!! Haha yeah I’m trying to keep up with Dad’s blogging but he’s like a machine!! I woke up earlier than usual this morning because our yard men came to cut the grass today which makes our house look so nice and clean! Thanks guys! …

ALX Blog – I’m Back!!

Wow…I don’t know what to say… I’m sorry…I’ve been a terrible blogger!! It’s been so long since I’ve blogged and the longer I waited, the less motivation I had to start it up again. If you’re reading this, THANK YOU FOR READING AND I’M SORRY FOR NOT WRITING SOONER!!! It’s the end of the year …

Sun’s back!

Good morning, all!  The sun has finally broken through the heavy clouds, although I’m sure there’s still more rain in the forecast.  I could still hear thunder in the distance early this morning, which probably meant that the leeward or windward side of O’ahu was getting hit.  It’s kind of strange that the thunder and …

MDNA Blog – I’m Sorry…

Hi everyone, I just thought I’d write a blog about Lulus last night. We were informed the night before that Lulus was closing their restaurant for a private birthday party, which ended up being very bad for us and our fans. Many of our fans from Hawaii, japan, mainland, etc., were very disappointed that they …

Saturday, May 28th

Good morning, everyone!  Lots of stuff happening this weekend .. especially with the Na Hoku Festival taking place at the Hawai’i Convention Center.  If you have some free time, you should go down and check out some of the workshops that are going on today – there’s some really cool stuff!  And be sure to …


YEEEEHAAAAA!!!  Today is indeed a special day … our little Alex is finally graduating from college!  We’re all preparing to attend the ceremonies at the Stan Sheriff Arena this morning, so we have to leave the house pretty soon.  It’s going to be a long program since there are something like 1,500 graduates getting diplomas …

Winning the battle …

Happy Aloha Friday, everyone … wait – is it already Friday??!!  I just realized I haven’t written a blog since Tuesday … I am so sorry!  My bad .. blame it on jet lag and my laziness.  Anyway, did you guys realize that it’s also Friday the 13th?  Bad luck Friday here in the states …

And the beat goes on ….

Another nice, quiet Manoa morning … just finished a breakfast of eggs (over easy), toasted bagel, and of course,  a mug of steaming hot Dunkin’ Donuts coffee!  Now that my stomach is full, I can start getting ready for another busy day here in the land of aloha!  The puppies seem particularly happy this morning …

Whooo, it’s MUGGY!

Aloha, peeps!  I actually got to sleep in late this morning … till 7:30am! Woohooo!  The weather turned very hot and humid yesterday with frequent rain showers in the afternoon.  This morning is nice and cool, but I’m sure it’ll be another very muggy one as the day goes on.  I sure hope it doesn’t …