Kokua Japan concert

Aloha kakahiaka, friends!  Another beautiful Sunday morning here in paradise as I sit here with my coffee and start preparing for another busy day … yes, there is no rest for the weary!  ManoaDNA is performing this afternoon at the Kokua Japan concert / telethon over at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.  We are honored to …

Another one?!!!

Aloha kakahiaka, peeps!  I just heard that there was another big quake in Japan which originated near the same area as the big one in March.  Miraculously, there was no tsunami this time … thank goodness!  I don’t know how long it’ll be before Mother Nature decides to give Japan a rest, but I hope …

Damn dogs!

Puppies scared the crap out of me this morning … one of our neighbors’ dogs started barking at 6am this morning, so our dogs decided to join right in at full volume.  We were all sound asleep when suddenly “BARK! BARK! BARK!!!”   Man, it’s a good thing I still have control of my bowels …

Ongoing thoughts …

‘Morning, everybody!  Hope everyone’s week is starting off well … it’s a slow morning for me, but I have a couple of meetings scheduled for this afternoon.  Of course, the ongoing crisis in Japan is always a hot topic for discussion since Hawai’i is close to Japan both economically and culturally. I heard that the …

Super windy!

Man, the trades have really been blowing the past few days!  It’s actually kinda nice … better than the hot, humid stuff that comes with the south and west winds.  Nothing much happening this week other than trying to keep IOLANI moving ahead … the news about huge cancellations in our visitors market due to …

Start of a new week …

‘Morning, my peeps, and a happy “Aloha Monday” to you all!  I sure hope this week is a whole lot less stressful than last week, although efforts to help the earthquake & tsunami victims in Japan continues at a frantic pace.  On a more positive note, there are signs that things are starting to settle …

Rainy Manoa!

Yup, it’s rainy & windy up here in the “valley” … I thought I could sleep a little later since it’s Sunday but our dog, Buster, got me up at 5:30am crying because he wanted to go out and eat grass.  I guess that’s what dogs do when they have an upset stomach .. eat …

Aloha Friday!!

Aloha kakahiaka, my friends!  It’s Aloha Friday here and the end to an exhausting and emotional week for me & my family.  Although the news coming out of Japan is still not good, massive rescue efforts are well under way and aid is starting to pour into Japan from many foreign countries.  Meanwhile, we in …

Keep on truckin’ …

Good morning, everybody!  I’m back … just had to take a break from all the craziness that’s been going on over here.  The awful earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan is continuing to create quite a stir as Hawai’i begins to mobilize to find ways to help raise funds and donations for the victims.  And …