Morning after …

‘Morning, all!  It’s another beautiful Aloha Sunday here in the islands as I sit here watching the sun come up over the Koolaus with a nice hot, steaming cup of coffee.  I really love my mornings – so cool and tranquil – it’s a perfect time to be with one’s own thoughts before the rest …

Keep on truckin’ …

Good morning, everybody!  I’m back … just had to take a break from all the craziness that’s been going on over here.  The awful earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan is continuing to create quite a stir as Hawai’i begins to mobilize to find ways to help raise funds and donations for the victims.  And …

$15,877.12 vs. $402.25

This past weekend we heard the call: a call to help, a call to act, and a call to come together. Last night at the Waikiki Beachwalk stage, we witnessed it all come to fruition. [singlepic id=27 w=180 h=120 float=left]On Friday, early in the morning with the tsunami watches still in effect in Hawai’i, I …

Happy “Aloha Saturday”!

Aloha kakahiaka, my friends!  I spent most of yesterday sending emails and chatting on Facebook with many of our friends and fans in Japan, trying to find out if everyone was ok.  I was very relieved to hear that many of them were safe, but a few of them told me that they were still …

My Thoughts & Prayers

When natural disasters strike any region, it’s sad to think about the pain and suffering that each person goes through. When it happens to a place you know and love, it really hits home. Last night, a devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan and caused major damage and loss of life throughout the country. We …

Nick in Photos, Ep. 4: “Christmas Rush”

Well all, it has been a while since I posted a blog and I would like to start off with an apology for that. ごまんあさい。 On to our regularly scheduled program, “Nick in Photos.” This week’s photos are few and far between since nothing really exciting happened to me. There was tons and tons of …