Today’s Downtime

Again, we apologize for the downtime, but it was necessary to make your experience better. On the outside, everything appears the same, but internally the page loads about 5% faster and uses way less bandwidth. Geek talk, I realize, but you will thank me in the long run (Probably not, but I can dream). …

Manoa Eco-Fair This Weekend!

We will be appearing at the Manoa Eco-Fair, this weekend at 1:15pm. Come on over to Manoa Gym and check out all the booths and activities while listening to your favorite band!

Wayne Harada’s Review

From the Wayne Harada Column entitled, “Manoa DNA takes you home again”… “Distinguishing notes: Manoa DNA is a family trio comprised of brothers Alex and Nick Kawakami and their dad, Lloyd. Its homespun acoustic music reflects a bond and kinship hard to miss, easy to appreciate. It’s Hawaiian-style party music, to enjoy with friends …

CD Release Party

Who: YOU! What: Manoa DNA “No Place Like Home” CD Release Party When: Sunday, November 4th, 2007 Where: Gordon Biersch Restaurant, Aloha Tower Marketplace Why: Why not? That’s right ladies & gentlemen, announcing the official release of our second album, “No Place Like Home.” The CD hits stores October 16th, but help us celebrate the …

‘Ukulele Festival Maui

Come down and check us out next weekend (10/14) at the 2nd annual Maui ‘Ukulele Festival. Sponsored by Starbucks and featuring Raiatea Helm, Ohta-san, Holunape, Brittni Paiva, and more! If you are gonna be in Maui next weekend, come down and check us out. Last year we had so much fun, and can’t wait to …

Waikiki Ho’olaulea

Last week, we performed at the Waikiki Ho’olaulea. A rousing success… Credits to Ric Noyle & his iPhone. Thanks to Don Takaki for hosting us on his “Chairman’s Stage.” We had tons of fun, made new friends, and ate ‘ono food! What more could you ask for? For those of you wondering about Vegas, HOLD …

Something in the air…

You smell that? Fresh cookies? No… Fine Perfume? No… I think that’s the smell of a new CD coming out! Yes! It is! Stay tuned as we gear up for the release of our second CD, “No Place Like Home.” In the meantime, you may notice small changes to our website, and other parts of …

Kona, Vegas ‘n MORE!

Hi y’all, It’s definitely been a while since we last chatted, so let me get you up to speed. We just returned from a whirlwind visit to the Big Island of Hawai’i for the Kona Farm Fair. It was so fun, and the food was so good, but no animals! That’s right, no animals at …