Where did March go?!

I blinked…at it was gone! Where were we? On vacation getting ready for Japan coming up this month! Happy April everyone, your trusty ManoaDNA.com correspondent, Nick, speaking. Hope everyone had a good break from Manoa DNA last month and are ready to get back in the saddle. We certainly are! I have updated our schedule …

Hawaii Music Awards 2008

Like I mentioned early, we are very honored to be nominated for the 2008 Hawaii Music Awards. For those that have never heard of it before, the Hawaii Music Awards are like the Grammys for the music of Hawai’i, except that it is all decided on a public popular vote. Therefore, we need your help, …

Happy New Year!

Well, I have been so busy with the newsletters, that I forgot to update all you fans out there in web-land! You have Susan Gordon to thank for setting me straight and getting my butt moving again! Thanks Susan, it was great to meet you last night at Gordon Biersch! First of all, HAPPY 2008 …

HTJ Video Shoot

Dateline: December 12th, 2007. Manoa DNA finishes HTJ Promo message & music video. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, we completed the raw shooting for our upcoming campaign with Hawaii Tourism Japan! Thanks to the crew, Ron Ogi & Shogo Kubo, for their outstandin work yesterday. We hope you guys had as much fun as we …

Pakele Live! Back in action!

After a brief hiatus, we are back in action! For those of you that didn’t catch us online yesterday, here’s what it looked like: Thanks Susan for the Picture! We were being broadcast live over the internet, for all the world to see, via alohavideo.tv and Pakele Live. This was a neat venue with a …

2 Week Break

Whew, what a year so far… Japan, Vegas, Hawai’i, West Coast, we’re exhausted. Thanks to all your support, Manoa DNA is becoming something of a phenomenon, and we are very greatful for all your Aloha! With that said, we are happy to be on a two week hiatus while we catch up on some needed …

Manoa DNA featured on HTJ Website…

アコースティック・コンテンポラリー・ハワイアン・ミュージックで知られるマノアDNAが2枚目のCD「No Place Like Home」を10月16日にリリースしました。マノアDNAはロイド・カワカミと2人の息子(アレックスとニック)によるトリオで、新作CDはハワイという土地や人々をテーマに、耳に心地よい仕上りとなっています。 マノアDNAは、ハワイ州観光局の2008年テレビCMのテーマ曲「Discover Aloha with Me」を歌っています。 このCDの発売を記念して11月4日(日)午後5時から、アロハタワー・マーケット・プレースのゴードン・ビヤーシュにて「No Place Like Home」リリース・パーティーが開催されます。当日はゲスト・アーティストとして、ライアテア・ヘルム、メルビン・リード、ホルナペ、アーニー・クルーズJr、ブルース島袋、ロイ・サクマのウクレレ・スーパー・ケイキなどの出演も予定されています。 I can’t understand it completely, but I do think it means that we’re awesome. Haha.