July Dates Added

I have added the dates for July 2008 to the calendar in the upper right hand corner. Check them out. Some highlights include: July 9th, Wildest Show In Town, Honolulu Zoo July 13th, Hawaiian 105 KINE Sunset Jam, Gordon Biersch Restaurant July 23rd-30th, Yokohama Japan for the Yokohama Hawaii Festival And of course, we will …

Music Video Ideas…

There has been a lot of talk recently, among ManoaDNA-ites that there should be a music video for one of our songs. We already have the commercials for “Discover Aloha With Me,” but I guess that isn’t enough. So I will embark on this adventure and try to give you all what you want. Any …

Books and Music Article

We were featured in the Honolulu Advertiser yesterday, for our performance at the Books & Music Festival at City Hall. Full Article

Two New Videos

Since we started our YouTube video channel, we have been racing to get up more and more content. Here is the latest installment: Hawaii Tourism Japan Commercial Gramma’s Birthday I will also be updating both calendars today, so check back for that update. Nick

Japan Update

We just finished up the first section of our tour in Japan. We performed seven shows over four days and they were all great! I posted the second to last show that we did on YouTube. Click [more] for my channel and for the rest of the parts of the show. Manoa DNA @ Venus …

Paddle Shoot for XTERRA Planet

Yesterday morning, the Manoa DNA troops woke early for another video shoot! This time it was for XTERRA Planet’s Eco-Adventure TV series, and featured us-truly in our element: the water. We met early at Outrigger Canoe Club, got setup with 3 fine boats lent to us by some great members, and were in the cold …