Summer is Here!

…and it is HOT! Who said it would be this hot? It’s like we went from low-70s to high-80s in one day! Where’s my transitional period? It’s thrown off my whole world! Now I need to bring a fan wherever we play, drink more fluids, wear more sunscreen, it’s like I don’t even know who …

June Means Summer!

Happy June All! I don’t know about where you are, but it is hot here! We don’t have too many special engagements this month, but we will be down at our regular haunts weekly. Here is our summary for June: 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th: Lulus Waikiki Continuing our weekly Friday night feature at Lulus …

4th of July Update

Just to let you all know, we have been asked to headline this year’s fourth of July celebration at Ala Moana Shopping Center! This is a great honor for us, as the free event draws tens of thousands of people every year! We are very excited to be celebrating our nation’s independence day with music and fireworks!

Manoa DNA May!

May means a lot of things to different people; Golden Week in Japan, summer break starts, hot days ahead. For whatever reason you enjoy May, we hope you will join us at one of our events throughout the month as we ring in the sunshine and get down to business. Here’s what we have planned …

Off to Japan We Go!

Fresh off the plane from beautiful, sunny Seattle, we are packing up and getting ready for our trip over the rest of the Pacific Ocean tomorrow. We are really looking forward to kicking off the 2009 Hawaii Tourism Japan Campaign tours, and are looking forward to seeing all our Japan friends! Last Year’s Kagura Trip …

UW Lu’au

We’re here rehearsing! If you are in Washington, come and see us at the Husky Union Hall, on the campus of the University of Washington!

Adventures in Twitter

I am going to start my Twitter Tweets… I think I said that right. I don’t really know what it is, or really how to use it, but I hope you all join me in my twitter adventure as it is sure to be an interesting one… Follow me:

Spring is here! It’s April!

Happy April Everyone, just giving you a little heads-up on what we’re doing this month. As we move into spring and begin the summer tours, keep checking back for updates as we got a lot of things in the works. 25th: University of Washington Lu’au Delicious and authentic Hawaiian food, an exhilarating hula performance, two …

It’s March

It’s a green month and we’re excited for St. Patrick’s Day! We hope you all had a great February and are ready to get your Manoa DNA on in March. Below are our events for the month, so come down and jam! 14th & 15th: Honolulu Festival Hawaii’s premiere event featuring events, demonstrations, food, crafts, …