Fight Night Round 4

Just picked up the latest edition of “Fight Night” for XBox 360… Pretty cool game. Although, it just proves to me that I have the reflexes of a turtle. So slow!

Messy Desk “Vlog”

Hello friends, just testing out some video blog “vlog” footage and software, don’t mind me. We’re exploring a couple different options for uploading video to our website, so this is just a test. Yay! Sorry, my desk is messy.

July is Independence!

Happy Independence Month everybody! As we are now in the full swing of summer, let’s all take a moment to remember the day when our nation declared themselves independent and separate. It serves as a good memory, not only because it did not come cheap, but that we are a nation who stands up for …

Gearing up for July

Yes I was down, but now I’m back. And better than ever? I don’t know about that, but at least I’m better than I was last week. It was pretty bad, and I thank all of you for your concern and well wishes. It was great to hear from all of you while I was …

Crazy Week

Add two parts rehearsal, one part Na Hoku award show, and one part sleepless nights, and you get a Nick cocktail! What a fun and exciting week we had as we geared up for our performance on the Na Hoku Hanohano award show. If you didn’t see it, you can watch it via our homepage …