Vlog: Budget, Manoa DNA Live! & UH Warriors
Terrible Budget-Rent-A-Car Practices, Be Careful
Today, I got in the mail, an “amazing” offer from a company that has affiliated themselves with Budget Rent-A-Car called “Great Fun.” Now normally, I would just tear this up and throw it in the mail, but this one made me peeved enough that I decided to write about it here.
Vloggy Fridays?!
September to Remember!
Well, we’re off to Japan again this month and we couldn’t be more excited. Keep checking our schedule, as the dates and times will continually be updated. As for the rest of the month, we are excited to test out our new Manoa DNA Live! feature, where we broadcast our shows live over the internet! …
Vloggy Mondays (A Little Later than Monday)
Friday Night NA Experiment
Well what a weekend it was… Friday was the debut of Manoa NA! “With Dad on a plane back from Las Vegas, Alex & Nick entertained the Friday night Lulus Crowd!” Boy, was that an experiment. The first set was terrible, and I was thinking that this experiment might have been a bad idea. But, …
Vloggy Mondays: Taiko Arcade
Hey people, I’m going to try to make “vlogs” (video-blog) every Monday, instead of these typing posts so that I can show you personally what my weekend was like. Today’s installment: Taiko Arcade…
Friday is Gold Eyedrop Day!
Happy Friday everyone, tonight is the debut of Manoa NA at Lulus! With Dad gone, Manoa DNA loses a D and turns into Manoa NA! Hope to see you all down there as it should be a VERY interesting experiment.
Back from Hilo, Part 2
….Continued from Monday’s post…
Saturday, we decided to head up the mountain to again but this time, south and into Volcanoes National Park. This is the area where Kilauea is still erupting and Halema’uma’u crater is still smoking…