JATA Recap

It’s around 10:30 am and we just arrived home after a long overnight flight from Narita.  We left Sapporo at 1:45 pm “today” (Japan time is 19 hours ahead of Hawaii), connected to our flight out of Tokyo.  We saw a lot of musicians and dancers who were returning from the Na Hiwahiwa concert in …


It’s Saturday here in Japan and the skies have become quite overcast due to the passing typhoon.  It was media day yesterday at JATA and we had one performance and another radio interview in the afternoon.  We attended another reception at the Hawaii booth and the food was catered by this local Japanese restaurant, Ogo’s …


Good morning everyone!  It’s Day 1 for the JATA World Trade Fair and since it’s media day, we’re only doing one performance at noon today.  We’ll be attending a reception later this evening, so we won’t be able to join our dear friends, the Taguchis, for some great Tokyo shabu shabu … oh well, maybe …

Early breakfast!

Good morning all!  It’s our 2nd day in Tokyo and I’ve been up since 3:30am due to the awful jet lag!  Since we were all up early, we went over to the Tsukiji fish market and watched the fish auctions.  Check out the size of some of those bluefin tuna .. man, that’s a lot …

We’re here!

Hello all … well, we arrived safe and sound after a comfortable, but long, 8 hr. flight!  The weather is nice but overcast … rain is expected this weekend as a typhoon is expected to pass near Japan.  I had a meeting this afternoon right after we arrived, and then we all went to Katsukura …

In transit

Hey everybody!  Had an absolutely horrible round of golf today out at Waikele … I couldn’t hit the ball to save my life!  Plus, it was a very hot day and play was SO slow that it took us almost 6 hours to finish!  Not exactly the ideal conditions for a great golf day … …

Countdown begins …

Good morning ohana & friends!  It’s another BEEE-YOOOTIFUL morning in Manoa and we just got back from our puppy walk.  As the cool Manoa rain mists came down the valley and the sun began to peek over the Ko’olaus, I suddenly had a strong sense that our kupuna were present and smiling down on us …

Lulu’s tonight!

Howzit everybody!  It’s Friday again … man, this week really flew by didn’t it?  We performed for Fashion Night at the Ala Moana Center last night and boy was it humid!  We had fun, though, and want to thank Katie and the marketing staff at Ala Moana for inviting us to perform.  We’ve got a …

No golf :-(

I won’t be able to do my usual Thursday afternoon golf with my buddies 🙁 ’cause we have to perform for a promotion at the Ala Moana Center this afternoon.  I have no idea what it’s for, but it’s scheduled so I’m there.  I picked up the new L.R. Baggs D.I. (connects my guitar to …

Good morning!

Aloha, everyone!  It’s a quiet Wednesday morning here in Manoa and we’ve just returned from our morning puppy walk.  Our dear friend Linda, who was supposed to arrive yesterday, flies in today because she overslept and missed her flight!  Get a new alarm clock, girl!  And did you guys read Nick’s blog about Budget Rent-a-Car?  …