Phase 2: Tokyo

We arrived in Shiodome late last night, checked in, and went to bed … boy, was I tired!  I started watching the final round of the British Open and passed out – woke up around 2:30am with the TV still on!  I skipped the breakfast buffet this morning because it’s not very good … went …

Narita – Day 3

It’s day #2 here in warm & overcast Narita and I’m sitting in my hotel room listening to the “Jersey Boys” soundtrack.  I’ve always loved the Four Seasons’ music but never realized that they had so many hits until seeing the “Jersey Boys” musical last year.  After checking out of the hotel later this morning, …

Japan – Day #2!

Aloha Kakahiaka!  It’s 4am here in Japan and I’m wide awake.  I always have a hard time adjusting to the time change (-5 hours) so I end up going to sleep around 7pm and waking up around 1 or 2am.  And just around the time when my body finally adjusts, it’s time for us to …

Tuesday evening …

We just got home after performing with our full band at the Honolulu Zoo before a fun crowd.  My voice was ok but probably needs a few more days to get back to full strength.  Unfortunately, we start a performance marathon on Friday (Saturday in Japan) with the first of 20 shows in 9 days!  …

Getting ready …

Gotta get an early start this morning … I need to work on arrangements for a couple of last-minute songs that were requested by HTJ for the upcoming promotional tour.  It looks like this trip will be different from the previous ones since we’ll be doing a lot of small commercial performances (travel agencies etc.) …

Weekend is here!

I just got finished playing squash at the Honolulu Club and my shoulder actually felt pretty good!  I’m going to try and play again tomorrow morning, but I’ll wait to see if my shoulder is ok.  I still have a slight cough, but other than that I’m feeling ok.  I struggled vocally last night at …

Aloha Friday!

“It’s Aloha Friday … no work till Monday!” – lyrics from bruddah Kimo’s popular pauhana song here in the islands.  I’m still a little under the weather … boy, it’s taking a long time to shake this cold!  Anyway, I decided not to go golfing in Kona this weekend since I need to rest up …

Feeling better …

I’m finally starting to feel better although I still have a slight cough.  I was lucky that this was just a cold and not the flu, since my doctor said that a lot of people are coming in with the flu.  Hopefully, I should be completely recovered by the this weekend and can get back …