Too much to do

I have so much stuff to do before we leave for Japan it’s ridiculous! I’ve been shopping for clothes to wear in Japan that will make the hot summer days a little less sticky. Tomorrow I will be running around like a crazy person, just trying to get things taken care of before wednesday. As …

Golf Golf Golf!!

Phew, just finished a hot day of golf on the Big Island of Hawaii and I’m ready for an ice cold beer. I shot 90 which is ok for me, but I couldn’t hit very good, so tomorrow when we play again I’ll shoot much better! Although it was hot, there were great views of …

Why am I Awake?

After a great Lulus pau Hana Friday night last night, I’m awake at 5:30am this morning to fly to the Big Island to play some golf. Bad idea? Yes…I’m so tired I don’t know what I was thinking when I booked this trip! I have so many things to do before our japan tour next …

Lulus Party!

Today is Friday and usually I should be happy because it’s the weekend…I’m not! Today I have so much stuff to do it’s dumb. I just got my haircut, took my guitar in to get fixed, have a radio interview at studio rim, have to record a demo, play a Lulus, then pack for a …

New “Loud” Shoes

Just bought some new shoes for our japan trip next week and I think it’s an under statement to say they’re pretty “loud”. Take a look at the picture below and you’ll see how awesome these shoes are!! They’re Ed Hardy brand and as far as I can tell they’re pretty comfortable so hopefully I …

Oh my…AK learned to Vlog!

I promised some video blogging about two weeks ago and so here it is finally!!!!!!!!! It’s just me in my studio and I’m tired and grumpy because this song I’m working on isn’t going as planned haha! I promise that my next one will have something better! Thanks for watching this feature presentation…

Jack in the Box

I just ate the mini buffalo ranch chicken sandwiches from Jack in the Box and they were so delicious! I think the Jack’s restaurants in Hawaii have gone through a customer service makeover because they’re all so nice now. They speak like they’re so excites to be serving you it’s great! Even though they screwed …