Kani Ka Pila

We just had Kani Ka Pila, it was great! Thanks to everyone who came down. I have a lot of work to do tonight because I took video from last night and today to post on my blog. I have to edit it so the world can see!! Please stay tune!! For now…ladies and gentlemen…my …

Real Golfing

So, I recently bought a new game for my Xbox 360, a game called Tiger Woods Golf 10. I was having fun and playing it with my friends a lot, and the other night, my xbox decided to break. Now I can’t play any game at all until I fix my Xbox. Terrible!!! So today, …

My First iPhone Vlog!

I decided to try and make a video on my iPhone for all the DNA bloggers to see…and…SUCCESS!! This is a pretty short video that I did while riding in my brother’s car on the way to our softball game. I will be doing more of these so stay tuned!!!!!

On my way home…

Well, I’m at the airport waiting to fly back to Hawaii and I can’t wait to see the dogs and the beautiful Manoa mountains. Although I’m sad to be leaving because that means my vacation is over, I’m happy that I get to finally sleep in my own bed and not smell cigarettes wherever I …

Dunkin Donuts

Usually I don’t drink coffee because it doesn’t taste good and it’s bad for you, but I made an exception today because I am very tired! I went to dunkin donuts and had a donut and coffee and it was so good. It was the first time I actually wanted to finish the coffee. It …

New York New York!

I have a new favorite thing to do…roller coaster riding! We went to the New York New York hotel and rode their roller coaster and it was awesome! If you look at the picture, you’ll see that I gave the thumbs up because it was so good. My friend doesn’t look too happy though haha. …


Just ate at a place called Ichiza, a Japanese restaurant in Las Vegas. We had many beers and honey toast for dessert! It was a rough night with many drinks and fun times…but tomorrow is a new day. A hui hou!!

Vegas Feast

We just ate a huge buffet at the MGM grand hotel. I ate 8 crab legs, 2 tacos, scoop of rice, mash potatoes, fried chicken, baby back ribs, a breadstick, fried shrimp, sushi, cheesecake, and chocolate mousse…i think that’s it. There was more but I can’t remember. The funny thing was, I wasn’t full after …