The Journey Continues…

I guess I lied. My previous post was not my last post for two months. Haha, I’m sorry!

The title of this entry is very fitting because the journey continues on a couple of fronts, starting tomorrow. My two-month journey continues around the U.S. with a stop in Los Angeles tomorrow. Alx’s journey continues as he flies up to Los Angeles as well. ManoaDNA’s journey continues, well, because we’re not dead yet! How many times do I have to say it?! We’re not breaking up!! Geez!

For my personal journey, I am both excited and nervous to continue on the road. For the past three weeks, I have been driving, documenting, and enjoying the east coast of the United States, with stops in Florida, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York. This next leg of the trip will begin in LA, and include 5 weeks of enjoying all that the west coast has to offer. The general plan is to make a loop, but I don’t have a solid route planned. I’m nervous because the east coast side ran way over budget, so I’m going to have to penny-pinch my way around! No more fancy dinners for me!

As for Alx & ManoaDNA’s journey, it has been a really special couple of days. Between sharing “lasts” like Alx’s last night at Lulus, or celebrating his new life with friends and family, it has given all of us a real sense of appreciation. For example, on Saturday night, we partied down at Gordon Biersch at our “Aloha Bash.”

Gordon Biersch Aloha Bash

It might have been our best show ever, and for whatever reason that was, it will definitely be a night to remember. Friends and family danced, the band was on fire, and I had a rare moment of clarity as I sat back and enjoyed what was in front of me. Very rarely do musicians get to sit back and see the fruits of their labor, so I was lucky to have that moment on stage. Special thanks goes out to Danny, Jon, Scott, Mark, Marc, and Seann for helping us celebrate the night. Of course, thank you to all of you who came down to the show as I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

The journey continues I guess…onward!