And so, another hot & humid August week has come to an end … Happy Aloha Friday, everyone!  Yesterday was pretty humid even though our normal tradewinds were blowing … kinda weird since it usually gets humid when the winds are from the south or west.  Just took the puppies for their morning walk and it’s already getting warm out there.  The good news is that the flea problem may finally be under control – for now.  I’m not declaring victory yet since it’ll take another couple of weeks of monitoring to make sure the little buggers are gone …

It’s been a pretty busy week for ManoaDNA … except for Kani Ka Pila on Saturday, we’ve had special performances the last two days, one tonight up at Chaminade College, and one on Sunday.  On Wednesday, we performed at a reception for Hiroshima Governor Yuzaki and his delegation over at the Waialae Country Club, and yesterday we had the honor of performing at the Kizuna organization’s farewell luncheon for Consul General Kamo and his wife at the Japanese Cultural Center.  It was indeed a privilege to be able to perform at both those events – mahalo!

My Thursday golf outing with the Degenerates yesterday was another disaster … I’m really starting to worry that my swing “glitch” may be more than a temporary problem.  My drives are horrible – line drives that hook to the left – which make it real difficult to clear the ditches on holes #14 and #17.  Guess I’d better start putting some time in at the driving range …

Aloha, “D”