Happy Tunesday Tuesday everyone!
Sorry I took the week off last week, we were very busy and I didn’t have time to film a video. But don’t worry because it’s here again today!!
I decided to do a song by the group “Fun.” called “We Are Young”. It’s a fun song that got big in the US from a commercial last year. Hope you like it! I got the idea to do this song for many reasons. One, my cousin Kelsey and her graduating class danced to this song at graduation. Two, while recording the other week, our friend Gaylord Holomalia mentioned that the band “Fun.” used the same microphone I use in my videos. And three, while talking with Milan today we talked about my microphone and how it works for my voice, which got me thinking about this song!
I also am announcing that I will officially be doing my debut solo concert in Yokohama on September 13th at Thumbs Up!! More details to come. I want to make that concert special so I’m trying to do things in a different way to make it exciting. For example, my last two Tunesday videos showed me building a song from scratch and performing it all in one take. I’m going to be doing this at my performance in Yokohama! Hope you are excited!
Thanks and enjoy!