Down and out …

‘Morning, all.

I now have a full-blown cold … yesterday, the damn virus attacked in full force and knocked me on my butt.  I thought I was doing a pretty good job of keeping it in check but this virus is turning out to be one tough sucker.  I was absolutely miserable last night at Kani Ka Pila … couldn’t hear a damn thing because my sinuses were totally blocked.  I had no idea where my vocal pitch was so I kept my eye on the boys – if they giggled, I knew I was probably off singing in a different key!  Hahaha!  And there was also had the added bonus of a runny nose … nice!  How do you discreetly blow your nose with Kleenex while on stage?!  The answer is … you can’t!

So anyway, I was supposed to golf this morning with my Selohssa group but wisely canceled out, especially since I feel like crap!  This afternoon we have the Rainbow For Japan Kids fundraiser over at the Hawai’i Convention Center.  Although we only perform for 20 minutes, it’s going to be a long day – rehearsal at 2:30pm, performance at 5:00pm, and finale at 7:00pm.  I’m going to see if I can leave during the breaks to go rest somewhere …

Time to go back to bed … take care, everybody!

Aloha, “D”