Great weekend!

Yo, peeps!

Hope you all had a great weekend … I know I did!  This was ManoaDNA’s first weekend of performances for 2012, and it was great to be back making music with the boys again!  On Saturday morning we appeared on the Perry & Price show to promote the Punahou Carnival this coming weekend and bumped into fellow entertainers, the De Lima Ohana, and Lani Misalucha.  Lani performs with SOS Las Vegas and boy, can this girl SING!  She currently has her own show at the Beachcomber showroom and I heard it’s great … so check it out if you have a chance.

Saturday evening was a fun time at the  Kani Ka Pila Grille … and like Lulu’s, it took us a little while to get back into our usual rhythm again.  Once we did, of course, everything just fell into place and off we went!  As all of you know, KKPG is one of the premier spots for island music.  When the hotel was going through its renovations, KKPG was never intended to be a serious entertainment venue so the only sound system installed was for soft “elevator” music – not live stuff.  With live music 7 days a week, that system is obviously now totally shot – last Saturday there were two portable loudspeakers set up in the lobby area behind the stage which looked a little weird.  I hope they eventually install a proper sound system there … it’s a beautiful setting and the #1 spot for island entertainment in Waikiki – bar none!

Played golf with my Selohssa gang out at New Ewa golf course yesterday … shot an 84 in a very up & down type of round (good shot, bad shot, good shot, bad shot, etc.).  Afterward, I headed back to attend our DNA golf club’s annual banquet at Alex’s place.  Man, they had enough food to feed an army!  Mahalo to Tony for getting all the food – it was awesome!  Anyway, the 2011 awards were given out and guess who won for Most Greenies and Club Champion?  Yup – yours truly!  Just goes to show that you don’t have to be a good golfer to win … just better than the other guys!  Hahaha!  Anyway, we all had a blast …. thanks Nick & Alex for organizing last night’s festivities!

Aloha, “D”