Golden Week story …

Aloha everyone!

While at Lulu’s Waikiki last night, I was telling my good friend, Yutaka, about our performances in Japan during the recent Golden Week holiday.  He said that his good friend and daughter came to see us and wanted to take a picture with us, but were told that no pictures were allowed.  I told Yutaka that the stage promoters had decided that no photos were to be allowed since there were so many people trying to get our autographs and pictures and this was forcing the next performances to be delayed.

A similar experience happened at our performance in Osaka at the big Hanshin Dept. store – the promoters had not expected the huge crowd of people who came to see us, so they asked us to end our first performance after only 4 songs because they were afraid that the large crowd was creating a fire hazard!  How crazy is that?!!

One of our favorite things to do is to personally meet and talk to all of our fans – after all, you are all like “ohana” to ManoaDNA.  Unfortunately, due to the large crowds and busy schedules, we were not able to greet everyone on this trip and we would like to sincerely apologize to those of you who did not get the opportunity to talk or take a photo with us.  We will make every effort to ensure that this will not happen next time!




  1. Aloha Dad! Thank you for taking pictures with my grandparents and my mom.They were really happy to see you!!! (^-^) Mahalo!

    See you sooooooooooon!

    Naoko in Hiroshima

  2. Aloha, LloyD-san!

    I finally made good on my promise to Nick to contact my friend at Kirin. Hopefully I will have something good to tell you.

    I know–bummer about the “no photos,” especially since I lugged my heavy camera and lens all the way to Namba. I guess I am the luckiest fan to have been able to have dinner with you guys at Drunk Bears!!!!!!

    Looking forward to your next Japan visit–I will bring friends next time!