Happy Aloha Friday, peeps! The tradewinds returned yesterday and started to blow a lot of the vog away … finally!  I can already feel some relief since my throat isn’t as scratchy and my cough seems to be much better!  Now if it’ll only hold up for a few more days …

Stopped off at Taiyo Ramen last night to pick up a couple of chicken katsu curry dinners.  They’re located next to the new Nijiya Market in Ala Moana and always serve good food in local-style portions – ie, HUGE!  I got home in time to watch a re-run of “BEN HUR” (Charlton Heston is awesome!) … but wait – isn’t it kinda early to be showing this movie?  It’s always featured around Easter … frick, is it that time already?!  This year is going by WAY too fast!

Shot a pretty good score of 80 (38-42) during yesterday’s round at WCC … I even dropped in a pitch from 120 yds. out on hole No. 4 for eagle!  Needless to say, my partners and I left our opponents in the dust and had bragging rights all afternoon!   We gotta enjoy it now because next week could be a different story!

On a separate note, I want to send get-well wishes to two of my buddies, Gary and Wyman, who are currently dealing with some serious health issues.  Take care, guys … get well soon!

Aloha, “D”