Alex and I are off to the “big island of America” today … gonna meet up with Nick who’s already up there.  And since I haven’t even started packing yet, it’s going to be another one of those days where I run around like a complete maniac.  The boys have a nickname for me on these kinds of days – Evil Traveling Lloyd – because I get so uptight and cranky … then once we get to our destination, I’m back to my old self … usually!  lol

We went to Morimoto’s last night for a belated anniversary dinner and as usual, I ate way too much!  We ordered their rock shrimp dish and some nigiri sushi for starters, and then I ordered the chef’s Loco Moto (get it?) while Carla ordered the Angry Chicken.  My dish was pretty good although it was definitely different than the regular loco moco dishes that I’m used to.  But Carla’s Angry Chicken dish was definitely that – ANGRY!  That sucker was so spicy and hot that Carla could only eat a small portion of it and brought the rest of it home.  I’m sure you spicy food lovers would love this dish!

Gotta run and pack … Aloha, “D”

One Comment

  1. Have a safe and good trip, Dad and Alex!