Busy Thursday …

I’m off to an early start this morning – got a breakfast meeting and then have a “Discover Aloha!” interview with our good friend and one of Hawai’i’s top guitarists, Chino Montero.  I’m also going to try and play golf this afternoon with my regular Thursday group even though my wrist is still pretty sore.  I know, I know … I’m an idiot!

Gotta run … I’ll post more stuff later if I remember.

Aloha, “D”


  1. NORIKO and MANA

    I went to Osaka today at work, and ate “Negiyaki” at Juso,Osaka.
    It was so delicious and I recommend you to eat it when you will go to Osaka!
    Many peaples made line before that restaurant.
    There name is “Negiyaki-Yamamoto”.Check it out☆
    with Aloha, Noriko☆