
Aloha, peeps!   Just arrived home yesterday after a very long and exhausting trip … and boy, was I happy when our plane finally touched down on the runway in Honolulu!  It was weird, but both of our flights to and from the West Coast had mechanical problems – first, our LA flight had to turn around 30 minutes after taking off because we lost an engine; then our flight home from Vegas had two aborted takeoffs (really scary!) before the FAA grounded the plane.  We finally made it home yesterday, but at least we made it home safely!

Some recaps of our trip … LA was great; recorded some really good stuff with the guys.  Whole different level up there .. worked with some very talented guys who only demand the best from you.  I love it!  Florida was a wonderful vacation and we got to spend some quality time with Carla’s family.  It’s too bad that Florida is so far away from Hawai’i because we’d probably visit more often if it didn’t take so damn long to get there.  And although Hawaiian’s flight through JFK makes things a lot simpler, it’s still a long haul.  On the return leg of our trip, we stopped in Vegas for a night … and talk about culture shock!  We went from a calm and relaxing environment to glitter town!  Of course, we adjusted quite well … LOL!!  Then we had the episode with our flight home which resulted in us spending another night in Vegas.  Didn’t have to twist our arms too much, though … after all, it WAS Vegas! 🙂 We still had to wake up at 3am the next morning to catch the rescheduled flight … wasn’t too bad since our “body clocks” were still on East Coast time.  After arriving home, we were able to rest a few hours before heading over to the Halekulani for a performance at a corporate even.  Good fun even with the jet lag!

So now it’s time to go back to work in the most beautiful place on earth … have a good one, my friends!

Aloha (yawn!), “D”