Winter’s back!

Aloha!  I’m sitting here at my laptop listening to the howling wind and pouring rain outside … it’s like winter season all over again!  Our puppies seem really agitated this morning, barking at every little noise they hear … must be the weather.  And I think I definitely came down with another sinus infection, so it’s another hana hou with the meds!

There seems to be continuing signs of improvement in Japan although there are still serious gas, food, and power shortages in and around the areas hit by the massive quake & tsunami.  The radiation problem is still a major concern too..  My friend from Fukushima came to see me yesterday and said that his parents, two brothers, and their families, were safe but still stuck there.  He said that the food and power supply was not so much of a problem now, but that there was very little gas available so people could not leave by car.  He was returning to Narita for his flight back to Hawai’i when the big quake hit and said that his bus was bouncing around like a ball on the expressway – very frightening!  Although the bus made it to Narita airport, he had to spend the evening in the basement because all flights had been canceled and there were lots of aftershocks.  He was finally able to catch a flight out the next evening.

Went to Tsukuneya last night to join Alex and Gregg for some pau hana but left early because my sinuses were plugged up.  It’s hard to enjoy food when you can’t taste it!

Aloha, “D”