It’s humid again!

Last night the winds died and it looks like we’re gonna have a few days of hot, humid weather … how weird is that?!  Who’s been messing with the global climate??  This is not good … I think I’ll write a song about this.

Ran into Raiatea Helm last night at the original Side Street Inn where she was having drinks with friends.  I brought her upstairs to see our IOLANI on Kona St. store and Carla.  ManoaDNA’s first performance in Japan was in Yokohama for a Hawaiian show which also included Raiatea, Melveen Leed, and others.  We’ve been friends ever since and although we don’t see each other too often because of our schedules, it’s always great to see her …. she’s such a sweetheart!

Ok … gotta walk the dogs now.  Ciao!

Aloha, “D”

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