It’s Monday morning here in beautiful Manoa, and it’s also Labor Day which is one of our nation’s major holidays. Unfortunately, the boys & I will not be able to enjoy it very much because we have an all-day photo shoot and then will be performing at our friend’s wedding later this afternoon. This has been a busy weekend for us with the CD release party and all … I really need a vacation!
Is it possible to get too much sleep?? I went to bed pretty early last night (around 9pm) and got up at 6am for a total 9 hrs. … and now I feel real sluggish and some of my joints ache. I normally get around 6 – 7 hrs. of sleep and feel fine when I wake up, so maybe too much sleep isn’t good for you .. comments anyone? Aloha, “D”
Maybe it’s age. Not really sure because I don’t have that particular problem yet!!!
Eh, sis … denial is a major indicator of “advanced” aging!! LOL!
Do you perform live at Lulu’s in October 1st?
Hey Junji!
Unfortunately, we are not scheduled to perform that week because we will have just returned from Japan on the 28th – sorry! Our only performance that week may be at a CD release party for Kamuela Kahoano at the Pakele Lounge in the Ala Moana Hotel.
Aloha, “D”
Aloha, Dad!
That is September 30th, isn’t it?
I will stay at Ala Moana Hotel just then!
Hai – that’s correct Junji-san! We hope to see you then!
Aloha, “D”