Howzit peeps! We arrived back in Hawai’i this morning, got home & said hello to the puppies, and then I passed out for about 6 hours! I’m dreading the next few days when I know I’ll be battling the evil jet lag … and since this trip was extra long, I’m expecting this battle to be of epic proportions!
Just got back from walking the puppies with Carla, and I’m always so grateful to come home to such a beautiful place! You never really appreciate home until you’ve been away for a long time – I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to feel the cool tradewinds blowing and to feel the warm sun on your face as you walk through beautiful Manoa Valley!! I hope that someday you can all experience this place we call home!
It’s going to take me a couple of days to get my feet back on the ground, so please bear with me. Talk soon …
Aloha, “D”