Labor Day

It’s Labor Day … a national holiday to do absolutely nothing!  I’m going to try and play some squash this morning if I can walk our puppies early enough.  Then I’m probably going to spend the rest of the day doing odd chores around our house, and maybe even give the dogs a bath.  And boy, do they hate baths!  All I have to do is mention the word “bath” and they run and hide … it’s a great way to get them to stop barking!  I’m off to play squash so I’ll continue this after I return …

It’s now late in the afternoon and we’re getting ready to have dinner with our dear friends, the Taguchis, who are visiting from Yokohama and staying at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.  We met the Taguchis a few years ago through my good friend, Leon, who had asked me to get them tickets for our show during ManoaDNA’s first trip to Japan back in April 2006.  Before the concert started, the boys decided to go across the street to an amusement park, and when they returned, Alex was carrying this huge bouquet of flowers – and I mean HUGE!  When I asked him where he got it, he said a nice couple had approached him, asked for his name, and then presented him with the bouquet!  And that was our first introduction to Aiko and Yoshiaki Taguchi … two of the nicest and classiest people you would ever want to meet!  We’ve been close friends ever since and they still bring us flowers whenever they come to see us perform!:-)

Aloha, Lloy”D”