What the … ?! Just when I’m starting to get the hang of putting pics on my blogs, the boys come up with “vlogs”! Man, I can’t seem to keep up with all this technology! Anyway, for those of you who are slow like me, a “vlog” is a video blog – check it out on either Alex’s or Nick’s blog site on ManoaDNA.com … it’s VERY COOL! I don’t know if I can “vlog” all the time, though … because that would mean I’d have to look presentable or else you might mistake me for something non-human! But I promise I will try “vlogging” very soon as soon as the boys can teach me how to use it!
On a much sadder note – when I arrived at the Honolulu Club to play squash yesterday, I was told that a guy had just had a massive heart attack while lifting weights. And despite the staff’s valiant efforts to revive him, they were unable to save him … wow. Life is so fragile and while maintaining one’s good health is so very important, when it’s your time, it’s your time …
So please take care of yourselves and ENJOY LIFE!!
Aloha, Lloy”D”
ohhhh…that’s too bad
Well I’m really looking forward to your vlog
Take care (^-^)/~