Vloggy Mondays: Taiko Arcade

Hey people, I’m going to try to make “vlogs” (video-blog) every Monday, instead of these typing posts so that I can show you personally what my weekend was like.

Today’s installment: Taiko Arcade…


  1. thanks for the shout out! they should make it for the iPhone! just get the PS2 or PSP version! although, i guess it just isn’t the same without the taiko bachi… http://bit.ly/mcaUS

  2. Aloha, Nick!
    Hi, Ni~~~~ck!(⌒∀⌒)/″″ Wow!!! I was surprised when I heard that you called my name!!! You’re really good at computer!!!
    Congratulations on the debut of Manoa NA on 21st! I didn’t know how the first set sucked because I was late… You guys seemed to behave freely♪ I’m sorry Mark’s lei which I gave interrupted your playing. Of all things, “If I Ever”…X(

    Aloha from Japan, NAO♪

  3. Vlogs! Wow, that’s a good idea! I like it 🙂
    Hearing your voice is nice. As if we were talking on the phone!!