9 Shows Down, 11 More To Go!

Whew, what a trip so far. It has been so busy and hectic, I haven’t had time to take a breath to write on my blog. (I know, Alex and Dad did, but I require more time to sit down and do it). Anyhoo, here’s my Tuesday update for all y’all…

With 9 shows down and 11 or so more to go, we have been jammin’ round Tokyo. First two days we spent in Narita, performing at the Narita Airport’s “Oasis Music Week.” I’ll be honest, I thought it was going to be pretty bad, but it turned out to be ok. Good turn out for all five performances, and everyone really seemed to be in a good mood! Luckily, the last show was mostly people going to Hawai’i anyway, so I think they appreciated getting in the mood.


Yesterday was our first full day performing in Tokyo. We got up and headed to four different show locations, performing for travel industry types and people booking tours! It was really an interesting experience considering we had to play three of the four gigs acoustic. I felt like the old-time Hawai’i performers, showing our craft for anyone who would listen. Really humbling, and brought me back to our beginning days of Manoa DNA!

Well, we’re off to two more gigs in Tokyo, then on to Sendai. Hope everyone is doing well, and thank you to all those readers who came down and supported us!
