Chilling on a Sunday

Today was a nice calm day for me. I woke up and watched the USA soccer team let the championship game slip away from them, then ate some breakfast, and went paddle surfing with my cousin and friend. What a nice sunny day in paradise! As the day went on, the tide came up and the waves began to die down, however I was sitting out there and I couldn’t think of a better place to live! Although the waves were dying down, I still couldn’t complain about the life I am living and the place I call home.

I feel like over the past few weeks, life has been a little strange personally and professionally. I’ve had various barriers to overcome and I think I’ve grown a lot as a person. In music, I’ve been writing a lot and recording many demos and I’ve realized how much my writing and playing has improved over the last years and it has given me more confidence in what I do.

Also today, we lost another celebrity – Billy Mays, famous pitchman. He was by far the best pitchman on TV. As I drove home from the beach today, I got a text from my brother saying that he had passed away and I couldn’t believe it. This is possibly one of the most tragic weeks in the entertainment business ever. First Ed McMahon, then Farrah Fawcett, then Michael Jackson, and now Billy Mays. In these tough economic times, people often look to celebrities and entertainers to brighten their days, however, with this past week being as tragic as it was, it’s hard to think that things will get better. It really makes you think about life in a different way…never take anything for granted and always live life to the fullest.
RIP – EM, FF, MJ, & BM
