It’s the weekend!

Good morning everyone!  It’s Saturday morning and we’ve just come back from walking our puppies in the Manoa rain!  I love it!!

We now have to get ready to go to a funeral for my good friend’s father-in-law … it seems a lot of people from that generation are now starting to pass on.  I have a lot of respect for my father’s generation – they grew up during the Great Depression, fought through discrimination and two world wars, and built businesses.  I can only hope that we and the generations that follow will be able to carry on their legacy of hard work and perseverence.

Ok, enough preaching … we had another awesome night at Lulu’s last night!  Thanks to Pohai, Aunty Pat, Yutaka, and Miyuki for their wonderful hula, and to all of our friends who chose to spend their Friday pauhana with us!  The place was rocking and screams of “hana hou” filled the air all night … whooo, was goooood fun!!  We even did a tribute to Michael Jackson by performing “The Way You Make Me Feel” last night (we learned it right before we went down to Lulu’s!) and it worked out pretty well!  Tonight will be our last Kani Ka Pila until August since we’ll be on the road for most of July, so if you’re looking for something to do come on down and party with us!  We’re also preparing for next weekend’s July 4th celebration at Ala Moana Center.  It should be awesome since we’ll have our full band on stage, and the fireworks show starts right after our finale!  Yeah!!

Nick seems to be recovering from the flu which he had earlier this week.  He looked a little thin and fatigued last night, but other than that he was fine.  I told him to take it real slow because I don’t want him to get a relapse – that would really suck since we leave for Japan in a couple of weeks.

And yes, I am golfing tomorrow with my Selohssa Golf Club out at the Royal Kunia Golf Course so it’s a very busy weekend!  (For those of you who can’t pronounce Selohssa, try reading it backwards! hee hee :-))

Malama pono,



  1. Hi Dad!!
    Howzit? I want to see your show in Hawaii again. But I hope to see you again in Japan in July!! I can’t wait next month!!

  2. Hi Dad! 🙂
    I got home safe. Thanks for everything. My family and I had excellent time in Waikiki!!!!
    Mahalo and a hui hou.


    • Hi Miyuki!
      It was so nice to see you again and thank you for dancing hula for us at Lulu’s!
      Please give my aloha to your parents and I hope they are not too tired from all the traveling … especially your dad! 🙂