Another beautiful Monday morning here in paradise, and I’m sitting here on our lanai with my laptop and a mug of steaming hot coffee, looking up into the dark green beauty of Manoa Valley. I hope you all enjoyed your Father’s Day … I know I did! Nick & Alex prepared a great Father’s Day barbecue last night, grilling ribeye steaks, Alaskan king crab legs, and butter-garlic prawns, along with fresh bacon-wrapped asparagus and corn-on-the-cob! Add in a multitude of fresh salads, desserts, and lots of liquid refreshments, and we had ourselves quite a Sunday feast! I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful wife and two fantastic sons! Buster, our Jack Russell terrier, also celebrated Father’s Day with us since he’s Peanut’s and Jazz’s papa!
Besides spending time at Iolani today, my schedule is pretty open for a Monday. I do have a doctor’s appointment later this afternoon to have my right shoulder examined again. My shoulder does not seem to be getting better – some days it feels great and other days it’s really stiff and sore … it’s so frustrating! The good news is that it doesn’t affect my guitar playing at all so at least I’m ok there.
We’ll probably begin preparing later this week for our July 4th performance along with our upcoming trip to Japan for the Aloha Yokohama festival, so things should start to get crazy again. This Saturday will be our last appearance at Kani Ka Pila Grille until August 8th due to other engagements and our July tour to Japan. However, we will still have performances scheduled at Lulu’s this Friday and next (July 3rd), and again on July 31st, so come on down and join us!
Until tomorrow …
Hi dad!
How about on July 10?
Hi Naoko!
Yes, we will be at Lulu’s on Friday, July 10th … hope to see you there!
I’ll go to Kanikapila on Saturday this week.
It looks forward very much because it is after the Hawaii festival in Odaiba.
Is It from PM6:00?
See you again in Hawaii.
Naoko Sakata
Aloha Naoko,
We perform at Kani Ka Pila from 5:30 – 8:30pm this Saturday.
Mahalo Dad!!
See you soon!
Thank you Dad.
I go to there at 17:30.
It looks forward.
I’ll take my grandparents to Lulu’s on July 10th.
Malama pono,
Naoko Mikajima