Yo yo yo wassup peeps!!
We just got back from the mainland for the 2nd time in about 2 weeks and we haven’t had a day off yet. The day after we got back we had a gig… the day after the day after we got back we had a gig… the day after the day after the day after we got back we had a video shoot… which brings me to… tomorrow? Well tomorrow we have a gig too so we will have our first day off saturday. Confusing? Nahhh…
It was great going to Portland because i got to see all my old classmates from highschool and we got to cruise with the friends we made last year when we went up. All in all it was a great trip and a great lu’au they put on. We also had some very good friends of ours travel from Seattle to come see us play so it was a great little reunion!
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It seemed like as soon as we got back from Portland we left to Colorado to play at their lu’au. I was so excited to go because I haven’t been back to Boulder since my freshman year in college when i attended the University of Colorado at Boulder. I got to see all my friends and old roomies it was so much fun! The lu’au went well and our short trip was definitely worth it in the end. There’s nothing like reminiscing with a bunch of old friends over pitchers of beer till the wee hours of the morning.
All of those trips were good fun and pretty short, but we are off to Japan next week for a 2 week tour. I am going to eat everything in Japan, they will not have food in the towns we’re in after we’re through with them. It’s going to be such a great trip!!!!!!

My hands are getting tired…so i’m going to stop writing now, but if anybody reads this please let me know…leave a comment or something because i like to feel like what i’m doing interests people…haha!!
Talk to you all soooooon!