Yesterday morning, the Manoa DNA troops woke early for another video shoot! This time it was for XTERRA Planet’s Eco-Adventure TV series, and featured us-truly in our element: the water. We met early at Outrigger Canoe Club, got setup with 3 fine boats lent to us by some great members, and were in the cold water by 9am. The weather wasn’t too great, and it just so happened that there was head-high surf that day, so we decided to stay in the bay and get the shots we needed there.
Dad checking his boat before heading out into the water.
Then it was off to our house where we were individually interviewed and live recorded “White Birds” and “Down in Paradise.” The whole day was a great success and even though it wasn’t the typical, sunny, Hawaiian weather, we made it work and I think it will come out great. Thanks to the whole XTERRA Planet film and crew, and the guys down at Outrigger Canoe Club for hookin’ us up with some nice boats.

I will let you all know when and where you can catch the show as soon as we find out!